Channel: politics – Gonna' Say It
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Tonght’s The Night

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

This is what we have been waiting for. This is the night that all those wannabe tv stars in Iowa go to their chosen precinct meeting houses and talk about all the Presidential candidates. The Republicans have a straight forward method such there is a spokesperson for each candidate to do the selling to the others in the room. The Democrats have a different system in that they will glumly stand around waiting for something to happen. If one standing group is smaller than fifteen percent of the total, the smallest group is broken up and forced to take their dunce hats to another group.

The Democrats have a system known in certain circles as the * “Least Dis-Satisficing” election. If your candidate does not make the fifteen percent cut, they are out. In other words the Democrats do not use a positive system at all, it is like one of those reality shows where people are voted OFF the island.

I can see it now in a Democrat caucus. There will be a bunch of people milling around playing musical chairs, all the while not seeing any difference between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, both avowed socialists. Bernie just wants to give away more stuff. When the music stops, the supporters of Governor Edward O’Malley, the political genius responsible for much of the corruption in Baltimore, will find their chairs missing. Sayonara, Ed.Hillary Clinton Speaks At Event At Center For American Progress

The Republicans have in my opinion a more rational system. In the Repubilcan Iowa caucus, the members listen to the various spokespersons make their cases for their respective candidates. They will then vote for the candidate they like. This approach, attitude wise, is light years different from the negative Democrat approach. The Republicans just choose up sides based on positives, where the Democrats demote based on a negative approach.

My prediction for the Republicans is this:

1st Trump

2nd Curz Cruz

3rd Rubio

4th Christie

5th Fiorina

My prediction for the Democrat Iowa caucuses is: Who Cares? OK, It looks like Bernie may be in the lead, and we will just have to see if Hillary is going to do another crash and burn. Maybe Hillary should confess her national secrets crimes, and serve her jail time. That would be a great excuse for her losing. She will need one.


What are your predictions?



*Note : The term “least dis-satisficing” is one used in business schools when describing how many corporate meetings function. Many times, the alternative passed for action is the one that is the least satisfying alternative, but one that will suffice for the whole group. In life we often vote for the least onerous alternative.

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