The entire nation was waiting for Bill Clinton’s appearance to rehabilitate Hillary after a week of being bad-mouthed at the Republican National Convention. The question is, did he succeed?
Some of the pundits claim he did a superb job. I don’t see it that way. Bill Clinton is still Bill Clinton, and he has never been known for telling truth. Of course, the Democrats in the audience ate it up. Others, like me, listened carefully as Bill listed achievement, after achievement whether or not Hillary had anything to do with it.
If questions would have been allowed for Bill Clinton, one of those questions would have been, “Where is this mythical Hillary?” She’s not there. This Hillary has never existed, and never will.
Bill started his presentation with personal stories about his and Hillary’s early relationship. Not once did he say anything negative, of course. She was a little princess that grew up to save the world from the wicked Republicans. Oh, how wonderful and tearful it was to listen to his account of this love story. There was no mention of Bill’s legendary philandering and womanizing.
The big finish in his presentation was Bill asking the audience to compare the Hillary presented in the Republican National Convention to the Hillary he presented tonight. To those people who watched the RNC, the answer was obvious. To the Democrats, they could only go with Bill Clinton because it was scripted that way. The comparison was ludicrous.
Bill said that you could put Hillary anywhere in the world and within one month the situation there would be better. Of course, he didn’t mention her destructive influence on Libya (Benghazi), Syria, Iran, Iraq, etc. The woman has been a one person wrecking crew in international affairs.
The Clinton Foundation corruption issue was not mentioned, either. Plus, there were probably a dozen or so scandals dating back to the Clinton administrations that were not mentioned. The liberties Bill Clinton took with history are nothing short of fiction.
Bill didn’t mention Hillary’s illegal and dangerous use of a personal email server for official, and classified government business. Bill didn’t mention the recent revelations of the DNC emails where Hillary connived with the Democrat National Committee to trash any chance of Bernie Sanders in his campaign for the Democrat nomination.
The “Big Dog” doesn’t have the fire in the belly, anymore. I don’t think he helped Hillary very much. The Democrats didn’t need convincing, but the Bernie Sanders crowd does. Who knows how that will work out after the screwing the Sanders people got?
Bill Clinton was not able to dispel the doubts about his wife that were generated during the Republican National Convention. She is what she is, and there is no inoculation from lying and cheating.
Poor Bill is getting old, and shows it. He doesn’t have the fire in the belly, and cannot impart enthusiasm like he used to.
I don’t think the nation will buy what Bill was selling.
What do you think?