Channel: politics – Gonna' Say It
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Trump’s Still Rolling


Once again, Donald Trump trounced everybody else in the South Carolina Republican primary on Saturday. His lead remains substantial compared to everyone else, and his followers don’t seem to be bothered by one faux pas after another as Trump manages to insult every living being on the face of the earth. Strong opinions in sensitive areas can lead to strong defeats in general elections.

And then, along came Marco Rubio. Marco managed to come in second place to Trump, out-distancing Ted Cruz by a mere 0.2% of the Republican primary vote. This is not a big lose for Cruz, but I think it underlines the possibility that people are starting to see Cruz for the sleaze bag he really is. First, he and his campaign lied about Ben Carson abandoning the campaign for President while Iowans were caucusing. Second, there have been some pretty shoddy tricks the Cruz campaign has tried in South Carolina. I think Ted Cruz senses he is on the downhill of his run for the Presidency, and he is trying to eliminate at least some of the competition.

We can talk about winning all we want, but there is only one true winner in South Carolina, and that’s the candidate that has walked away with all fifty of the state’s Republican delegates, Donald Trump. I don’t see any change in this movement if Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and Carson remain in the race.

If Rubio or Cruz can get lucky with the other candidates backing out, then there is a chance for someone other than Trump to win the nomination. However, come March 1, somebody other than Trump needs to win all those delegate votes in the Super Tuesday block of state primaries. If an alternate candidate does not win any states, the game will start to look like it’s over.

Personally, I like Marco Rubio because he is intelligent, articulate, and has his goals set in the right direction. Ted Cruz has some positions that I don’t favor. Donald Trump needs to get out of his “deport them all” position on illegal aliens. We need immigrant labor, and it is a lead-pipe cinch that we will wind up with some sort of amnesty. The proper Republican position is to make sure the borders are secured.

This election season is going to be long and drawn out, and I have yet to comment on the Democrats in the race for their own nomination. True, they area a couple of old white people who have no clue except for outmoded, nineteenth century models of economic and social constructs. Even at that, one of those lack-luster aged politicos could win the election.



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